Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years

This is it! The beginning of 2010. The year of "I Did It". I am facing my fears. And trust me, there are a lot of things I fear. This being one of them. A BLOG! I am not going to tell anyone about this until I figure out how to make it look like I know what I am doing! I have a few things I want to work on, but I have certain fears that I will face this year.

The biggest fear is water! Having had two very frightful experiences with water, I am determined to face this fear head on. What better way to face my fear, then with a TRI! I signed up for the Women Of Steel Triatholon on May 22. I plan on tracking my progress on the "BLOG". I have been in the pool the past few weeks. I still have my floatie on and I still cannot put my face in the water and breathe. I will get there. No worries.

I have a fear of failure. I have always said, there is no way I could ever run a marathon. I tried my first half marathon in November 2009. I enjoyed it. I finished. But there is no way I could ever double what I had just done. So I am signed up for the St. George Marathon later this year. This might be the year I die also!

I have a fear of being dumb. I know, it sounds dumb. I will go back to school sometime this year. I always said I would go to college and get my degree when I figured out what I want to be. But I can't wait any longer. It is time I take the bull by the horns and go to back to school!

Here are a few other things I want to work on this year...try harder, take my own advice, show gratitude, follow through, speak up, see the good in people, take more chances, be me, stand tall, listen to my heart, spread kindness, be a better person, be me, laugh a lot, and knit a scarf.